Living on Less


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For any girl on a pension, who like me has a 4 legged soul mate, after my own recent experience, no matter what your income is, I cannot stress how important it is to have some Pet Insurance in place.

After he had a restless night and upset tummy, I took my dog to the vet for what I thought was going to be a routine examination and antibiotics.  But just as he got into the consulting room, my dog did a huge sneeze and wheeze and although I didn’t really agree, the vet thought that he might have something lodged in his throat or nose causing him to retch.  

The vet then decided to do some further tests  to establish what was going on, and so I left him to have some X-rays and blood taken.

I was expecting a call at around 4.00pm to arrange collection and just a prescription for some antibiotics, but what happened next was a total shock.


The XRays showed a large, previously undetected growth in my dogs stomach, which along with his spleen had to be removed immediately to prevent it rupturing and causing a possibly fatal outcome but also to determine if the tumour was malignant or benign, all very costly procedures.  Operation scar.

Luckily, no matter how limited my income has been, I have always had Pet Insurance in place for my pet and over these past few days, I have never been more thankful that I spend this money to protect both him and myself.


Just on this occasion, I will be charged for a consultation, XRays, blood tests, the operation, the aftercare, and the biopsy, and his postoperative medication, not to mention any ongoing tablets and care that he needs.

Imagine if I had not prioritized my outgoings and NOT had Pet Insurance to cover this horrible unexpected diagnosis. I honestly would have been faced with the possibility of having my beloved dog put to sleep simply because I wouldn’t have been able to afford to pay the vets bill.

If you have a 4 legged friend, and are on a low income, no matter what other things you have to pay out for please do put some money aside for Pet Insurance to cover any unexpected vet’s bills, you never know it could just be the difference between life and death for your pet.

For more tips and products about how to keep your dog happy and healthy especially in hot weather, visit




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